Bus to Paeroa
InterCity operates daily buses to Paeroa from locations around the North Island. All InterCity buses to Paeroa arrive at the Marshall Street Bus Stop, near the public toilets.
Search for a bus to Paeroa with New Zealand's most popular national bus network.
Approximate bus to Paeroa travel times:
Bus Albany to Paeroa - 4 hours
Bus Auckland to Paeroa - 2 hours
Bus Manukau to Paeroa - 1 hour 45 minutes
Bus Thames to Paeroa - 30 minutes
Bus Waihi to Paeroa - 15 minutes
Bus Hamilton to Paeroa - 1 hour 40 minutes
Bus Rotorua to Paeroa - 6 hours 50 minutes
About Paeroa
Paeroa is a small town located in the northern Waikato region of the Thames Valley. Paeroa is famous for its mineral springs, which provide the water used in a local soft drink, Lemon and Paeroa or 'L&P'. A giant L&P bottle stands on the main road as a mascot of the town and is a popular photo opportunity for visitors.
Paeroa is also becoming known as a great place to shop for antiques, with many second-hand shops lining the main street offering the chance to pick up a bargain.
For additional information on Paeroa visit: www.paeroa.org.nz