InterCity operates daily buses to Paeroa from locations around the North Island. All InterCity buses to Paeroa arrive at the Marshall Street Bus Stop, near the public toilets.

Search for a bus to Paeroa with New Zealand's most popular national bus network.


Approximate bus to Paeroa travel times:

Bus Albany to Paeroa - 4 hours

Bus Auckland to Paeroa - 2 hours

Bus Manukau to Paeroa - 1 hour 45 minutes

Bus Thames to Paeroa - 30 minutes

Bus Waihi to Paeroa - 15 minutes

Bus Hamilton to Paeroa - 1 hour 40 minutes

Bus Rotorua to Paeroa - 6 hours 50 minutes


About Paeroa

Paeroa is a small town located in the northern Waikato region of the Thames Valley. Paeroa is famous for its mineral springs, which provide the water used in a local soft drink, Lemon and Paeroa or 'L&P'. A giant L&P bottle stands on the main road as a mascot of the town and is a popular photo opportunity for visitors.

Paeroa is also becoming known as a great place to shop for antiques, with many second-hand shops lining the main street offering the chance to pick up a bargain.

For additional information on Paeroa visit: