Julie said... This tour is done with Sunset Safaris. It is mass tourism; a non-personalised tour where you will feel like a number on a list. Once we got to Moreton Island, we got split into groups and got a different tour guide for every activity. The groups were massive in size. It was all very rushed. The kayak lasted maybe 15min max (one loop around the wrecks), the tour guide spoke so silently nobody could hear anything. The see-through kayaks are not see-through at all, there are so many scratches on the plastic that it gives an opaque glass effect. The snorkeling was very short as well, and because the group was so big we spend more time fitting on our gear than actually being in the water. Lunch was a joke: because there were so many people, the ones at the end of the line almost didn't have anything left to eat. In the afternoon we went for the sandboarding (or better 'sliding of a sand dune with a wooden plank'). Nothing fun about it, just sand everywhere and an experience I hope to forget soon. Then we got rushed back to the beach for a quick swim to get the sand out of our eyes and ears (this was a 5 min swim) before having to get back on the ferry. We got ZERO beach time to enjoy Tangalooma beach. My tip: just book a passenger walk-on ticket for the ferry and bring your own snorkeling gear. 1/10th of the price but it will be 10x the fun.
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